The “Sapai Sainaew” project started in late April 2018 with the Pracharath Rak Samakkee Social Enterprise (Thailand) Company Ltd., together with the social network partners visiting communities to provide advice on modern techniques and consumer trends in the product development and adding value to the “Yaam”, a cloth fabric shoulder bag, which has been with the Thai people for generations. This simple cloth bag has multitudes of usages, ranging from religious ceremonies to daily use which the project’s ultimate goal is to generate incremental income for the community.
In addition to encouraging the community to utilize their weaving skills and local wisdom to the highest potential, the Textile Industry Development Institute also helps to develop indigenous weaving techniques and processes, while the Pracharath Rak Samakkee Social Enterprise (Thailand) company supports the marketing and sales drive for the communities.
The 21 months project drive generated Baht 9.5 million income for the 25 communities network, involving 2,932 people in 17 provinces, who were able to further develop and add value to their own products.